The Now You Know team includes Dr. Jingfeng Liu a world renowned thought leader in artificial intelligence from Carnegie Mellon University and Michigan State University.
He is a founding member of the Big Learning Center of the National Natural Science Foundation (
Our focus area is in the application of artificial intelligence technologies such as face recognition, object recognition and vehicle identification in smart cities and smart tourism.
Now You Know is a provider of end to end AI (e.g. Facial Recognition) & BI (e.g. customer traffic flow and profiling) solutions. Key team members have come from top international institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University and leading global research institutes of computer vision.
Now You Know has the core technologies of face recognition (2D/3D/infrared), large scale face recognition, gesture recognition, human detection, driver behaviour analysis, traffic statistics, gender and age analysis, license plate recognition, pedestrian detection, object detection et al. Now You Know provides edge computing to cloud computing AI+IOT+Big Data solutions.
Our AISHOP solution is an IOT+AI (face recognition, multiple face attribute) system. It is capable of collecting sensor information, face information, and provides traffic statics and visitor profiles. It hosts a wide range of devices, face capture cameras, human capture cameras, Android terminals, IOT sensors, and access control devices. With an API to the AISHOP core platform, a global community of developers are being encouraged to build Plugins of additional features and functions for the AISHOP platform and offer these to others under an AISHOP license arrangement.